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Retrieving a ReSPECT Composition

All data committed to an openEHR CDR is done so via a POST or PUT /composition call - as a JSON or XML 'blob'.

This section will cover how to retrieve the current ReSPECT Composition by running a GET / composition call.

A number of data serialisation options, can be used on retrieval. In this case we will ask for the Better STRUCTURED JSON format, as this is what we used when committing the composition, but you can commit and retrieve using different formats if you wish.

Better Ehrscape GET /composition - Retrieve a composition



This is is the composition UID for the composition you wish to retrieve. Don't worry about how we find that out for now. Just use the UID for the composition you just committed in the last section

We will find out how to find compositionIds in a subsequent section.


This defines the format of JSON or XML that you are requesting. Use STRUCTURED for this example.

   curl --location --request GET '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization': 'Basic YTgxZjQ3YzYtYTc1Ny00ZTM0LWI2NDQtM2NjYzYyYjRhMDFjOiQyYSQxMCQ2MTlraQ=='
  var axios = require('axios');

  var config = {
    method: 'get',
     url: '',
     headers: { 
        'Content-Type': 'application/json', 
        'Authorization': 'Basic YTgxZjQ3YzYtYTc1Ny00ZTM0LWI2NDQtM2NjYzYyYjRhMDFjOiQyYSQxMCQ2MTlraQ=='

  .then(function (response) {
  .catch(function (error) {
    import requests

    url = ""

    payload = {}
    headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'Basic YTgxZjQ3YzYtYTc1Ny00ZTM0LWI2NDQtM2NjYzYyYjRhMDFjOiQyYSQxMCQ2MTlraQ=='

    response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data = payload)



If the composition is found, a 200 code will be returned along with the composition object, which you will note now includes the compositionUid, but should otherwise be identical to the json which you previously submitted.

    "meta": {
        "href": ""
    "compositionUid": "12d53bf8-3abb-43a7-9621-b3d9638d7790::a81f47c6-a757-4e34-b644-3ccc62b4a01c::1",
    "format": "STRUCTURED",
    "templateId": "ReSPECT_v3-6-7",
    "composition": {
        "respect_v3-6-7": {
            "_uid": [
            "language": [
                    "|code": "en",
                    "|terminology": "ISO_639-1"
            "territory": [
                    "|code": "EN",
                    "|terminology": "ISO_3166-1"
            "context": [
                    "start_time": [
                    "setting": [
                            "|code": "238",
                            "|value": "other care",
                            "|terminology": "openehr"
            "respect_headings": [
                    "a2._shared_understanding": [
                            "respect_summary": [
                                    "narrative_summary": [
                                        "Something goes in here"
                                    "language": [
                                            "|code": "en",
                                            "|terminology": "ISO_639-1"
                                    "encoding": [
                                            "|code": "UTF-8",
                                            "|terminology": "IANA_character-sets"
                            "details_of_other_relevant_care_planning_documents_and_where_to_find_them": [
                                    "reference_to_advance_care_directives_composition": [
                                            "advance_planning_documentation": [
                                                    "summary": [
                                                        "And in here"
                                                    "language": [
                                                            "|code": "en",
                                                            "|terminology": "ISO_639-1"
                                                    "encoding": [
                                                            "|code": "UTF-8",
                                                            "|terminology": "IANA_character-sets"
                            "reference_to_legal_welfare_proxies_composition": [
                                    "legal_welfare_proxy_in_place": [
                                            "status": [
                                                    "|code": "at0007",
                                                    "|value": "Unknown",
                                                    "|terminology": "local"
                                            "language": [
                                                    "|code": "en",
                                                    "|terminology": "ISO_639-1"
                                            "encoding": [
                                                    "|code": "UTF-8",
                                                    "|terminology": "IANA_character-sets"
                            "legal_welfare_proxy_in_place": [
                                    "status": [
                                            "|code": "at0005",
                                            "|value": "Yes",
                                            "|terminology": "local"
                                    "language": [
                                            "|code": "en",
                                            "|terminology": "ISO_639-1"
                                    "encoding": [
                                            "|code": "UTF-8",
                                            "|terminology": "IANA_character-sets"
                    "a3._what_matters_to_me": [
                            "what_matters_to_me": [
                                    "what_i_most_value": [
                                    "what_i_most_fear": [
                                        "My wife"
                                    "respect_care_priority_scale": [
                                            "care_priority_scale": [
                                    "language": [
                                            "|code": "en",
                                            "|terminology": "ISO_639-1"
                                    "encoding": [
                                            "|code": "UTF-8",
                                            "|terminology": "IANA_character-sets"
                    "a4._clinical_recommendations": [
                            "cpr_decision": [
                                    "cpr_decision": [
                                            "|code": "at0004",
                                            "|value": "CPR attempts recommended adult or child",
                                            "|terminology": "local"
                                    "date_of_cpr_decision": [
                                    "language": [
                                            "|code": "en",
                                            "|terminology": "ISO_639-1"
                                    "encoding": [
                                            "|code": "UTF-8",
                                            "|terminology": "IANA_character-sets"
            "category": [
                    "|code": "433",
                    "|value": "event",
                    "|terminology": "openehr"
            "composer": [
                    "|name": "a81f47c6-a757-4e34-b644-3ccc62b4a01c"
    "deleted": false,
    "lastVersion": true,
    "tags": [
            "tag": "formVersion",
            "aqlPath": "/",
            "value": "1.0.0"
            "tag": "formName",
            "aqlPath": "/",
            "value": "ReSPECT"
    "ehrId": "3e674739-950c-4b8a-976b-5aef21c618c5",
    "lifecycleState": "COMPLETE"


Other data formats

The Better Ehrscape API offers several other serialisation formats. You can have a look at these by simply changing the format parameter on the GET / composition call, and the call Header Accept to switch between JSON and XML.

Right now , EhrBase only support the 'canonical formats but we understand they will be releasing support for the Better formats 'imminently'


This is very similar to, but not identical to the openEHR Canonical JSON format, which essentially supersedes it. It very closely adheres to the openEHR Reference model specification but is pretty voluminous

Accept : `application/json'

This is 'canonical' openEHR XML which is also accepted by the openEHR REST API. It is the lingua-franca for all openEHR CDRs, even those which do not support the REST CDR API, will normally accept and expose data in this XML format.

Accept : `application/xml'